Gwadar East-Bay Expressway under CPEC set to complete in 2021
CPEC is moving forward with a fast pace. The Gwadar East-Bay Expressway, an important project under CPEC, is scheduled to be completed in April 2021. The Ministry of Maritime Affairs noted that the construction of East-Bay Expressway is an important line of Gwadar port through which the entire traffic of port will flow. The East-Bay Expressway will connect Gwadar port and its free zones with a network of national highways.
ISLAMABAD, (APP – UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News – 29th Jul, 2020 ) :The Project of Gwadar East-Bay Expressway which was delayed for various reasons as now scheduled to be completed by the April 2021.
According to ministry of Maritime Affairs, the Construction of East bay Expressway is the main artery of Gwadar Port through which the entire traffic of port will flow.
The objective of Eastbay Expressway is providing Primary connectivity of the Port and its Free Zone with the network of National Highways.
Linking Gawadar Port with the main artery of national highway network and smooth logistic transportation of import, export and transit goods.
Gawadar Port Authority (GPA) the gateway to CPEC has started handling the Trade .
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