China to aid Pakistan in advanced agricultural technology
Professor Yang Wenyu of China’s Sichuan Agricultural University has said that as CPEC enters the second phase, an increasing number of advanced Chinese agricultural technologies represented by maize-soybean strip intercropping are being brought to Pakistan. This will help improve local people’s livelihood. He also said this is the most fundamental way of deepening the friendship because that benefits Pakistani people directly. He said that China is helping Pakistan revitalize soybean production to provide generous support for this technology’s development in Pakistan both technically and financially. He also added that to further boost soybean production, Chinese seeds, machinery and herbicides related to this technology are going to arrive in Pakistan soon.
BEIJING, (APP – UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News – 9th Apr, 2021 ) :As China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) enters the second phase, an increasing number of advanced Chinese agricultural technologies represented by maize-soybean strip inter cropping are being brought to Pakistan to help improve local people’s livelihood, promoting the friendship in a practical way.
“Agricultural cooperation is closely linked to people’s livelihood as an ample supply of high-quality meat, eggs, milk, rice and flour, etc. can make Pakistani people healthier. This is the most fundamental way of deepening the friendship because that benefits Pakistani people directly,” said maize-soybean strip inter cropping study leader Professor Yang Wenyu of China‘s Sichuan Agricultural University on Friday.
Maize-soybean strip inter cropping technology, widely recognized by farmers, governments, scientific research institutions and enterprises in Pakistan, is flourishing across the country this year.
“In Pakistan, a great number of people depend on animal husbandry for their livelihood.
Soybean, the premier protein choice for livestock, poultry and aquaculture production globally, is rarely planted in Pakistan while the demand for soybeans keeps rising. Pakistan is China‘s brotherly friend so we started to help Pakistan revitalize soybean production,” Yang told China Economic Net.
He is providing generous support for this technology‘s development in Pakistan both technically and financially.
Maize-soybean strip inter cropping technology fits Pakistan‘s conditions to a tee. “Inter cropping doesn’t occupy extra land. Moreover, Pakistan‘s high temperature and strong sunlight make it less likely to succeed in sole cultivation of soybeans. In the inter cropping system, maize can shade and cool soybeans to realize high yields,” Yang analyzed the success of applying this technology to Pakistan.
“To further boost soybean production, Chinese seeds, machinery and herbicides related to this technology are going to arrive in Pakistan soon,” Yang added.
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