CPEC is opening up new avenues for cotton research: Dr Muhammad Talpur
The Vice President of Pakistan Central Cotton Committee (PCCC), Dr Muhammad Ali Talpur, has said that CPEC is opening new avenues for cotton research and development to solidify PCCC on modern scientific lines. He also said that a modern biotechnology centre of excellence laboratory is also being set up at Central Cotton Research Institute (CCRI) Multan to promote cotton research activities. He also said that Pakistan will also seek technological assistance from China for research to control Cotton Leaf Curl Virus. Talpur said he is hopeful that this initiative will help Pakistani farmers.
MULTAN, (APP – UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News – 9th Apr, 2021 ) :Vice President, Pakistan Central Cotton Committee (PCCC), Dr. Muhammad Ali Talpur, on Friday said that China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) was opening new venues for cotton research and development and solidify PCCC on modern scientific lines with active support from ministry of national food security and research.
“A modern biotechnology center of excellence laboratory was being set up at Central Cotton Research Institute (CCRI) Multan to promote cotton research activities and introduce new breeding programmes,” said Dr. Talpur in a statement highlighting importance of modern reforms and new cotton research projects.
CCRI Multan is a state-owned cotton research body working under the umbrella of PCCC.
Moreover, Pakistan would also seek technological assistance from China for research to control Cotton Leaf Curl Virus (CLCuV), pink bollworm, white fly and other challenges confronting cotton.
PCCC vice president said that the initiative would help overpower challenges by reducing cost of production and make cotton profitable for Pakistani farmers.
He disclosed that ministry of national food security and research was trying to introduce an intervention price of cotton to keep prices stable in domestic market. Dr. Talpur said that government was also providing subsidy on fertilizers and pesticides for cotton farmers besides Goseplure to tackle pink boll-worm adding that a huge sum has already been allocated by the government for the purpose. He said, all the problems confronting cotton economy would hopefully resolve within next two to three years.
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