Home Latest News No other country is capable to compete with China: Prime Minister Imran Khan
Latest News - August 19, 2020

No other country is capable to compete with China: Prime Minister Imran Khan

Prime Minister Imran Khan, during an interview, has highlighted Pak-China bilateral strategic partnership. PM said Pakistan is lucky to have a sincere friend like China who stands firm with us in difficult times. No other country stood firm with Pakistan as China did. China has politically defended Pakistan at every front. China is the world’s fastest-growing economy and no country has the capability to compete with China. PM asserted that bilateral ties are strengthened with time and both countries attach great value to the bilateral cooperative partnership. PM said China has recognized the geostrategic significance of Pakistan and our future is tied with China. CPEC offers huge opportunity to uplift the socio-economic status of Pakistan. PM further informed that President Xi Jinping is likely to visit Pakistan at the end of this year.

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – Prime Minister Imran Khan has taken a clear stance on recent developments in the Middle East saying that the founder of Pakistan had made it clear that Israel would not be recognized until a just and fair solution to the Palestinian problem is given. He also made it clear that Pakistan’s future is tethered to China.

The Prime Minister expressed these views in a one-on-one interview on Dunya News program “Dunya Kamran Khan Kay Saath”. During the interview, various issues including Pakistan’s foreign policy, economy, regional situation, national issues and politics were discussed.

“My conscience will never allow accepting Israel”

During the interview, the Prime Minister said that we will be answerable to Allah on the Palestine issue and his conscience will never allow accepting Israel without a solution to the Palestine issue. He said that Pakistan’s position on Israel is very clear; it will not be accepted, if it is, we will lose our claim on Kashmir as well.

Pak-China friendship

Talking about Pakistan’s long time friend China, Imran Khan said that it should be clear that our future is tied to China which has stood by Pakistan through thick and thin. He said that both countries recognize each other’s importance and are further strengthening mutual ties. Unfortunately, Western countries are using India against China, he added.

He said the Chinese President Xi Jinping was scheduled to visit Pakistan in May this year but his visit was delayed due to the coronavirus outbreak. His visit is now expected towards the end of the year, Khan said.

Relations with Saudi Arabia

Talking about relations with Saudi Arabia, he said that Pakistan’s role is to unite not divide the Muslim world. He dispelled rumors of rifts with Saudi Arabia, saying that the country has its own foreign policy and it has helped Pakistan in times of difficulty.

Pak-US relationship, Afghan peace process and Kashmir issue

Answering an important question, the Prime Minister said that in the past, the United States used Pakistan to wage war but today, we are partners in Afghanistan’s peace process. He also said that the Kashmir issue is being highlighted all over the world, with it being debated thrice in the United Nations during his tenure.

Political struggle

The Premier said that he has been struggling all his life, ever since he was nine. He said that constant struggle makes you immune to ups and downs; building a Cancer Hospital was another struggle but politics was a different beast altogether. He said he formed PTI due to the two-party system and in only the past two years has he realized the true nature of challenges faced by Pakistan.

Efforts to make Pakistan a welfare state

PM said that the state of Medina was unique in that it was the first welfare state, where the law was equal for all. Pakistan was also built on the foundation of Islamic welfare state and that’s where he’s trying to achieve. He said that students of 8th and 9th grade will be taught about the life of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) in all schools across Pakistan.

Commitment to uplift the poor and oppressed

Imran Khan said that if we want Pakistan to progress, we have to raise the poor from poverty. He said when he took power, the economy was on the verge of bankruptcy and national institutions were decayed. The system in Pakistan is such that bribery allows the powerful to do whatever they please while small business owners get nothing but hurdles in their way. When NAB summons the elite, they say the country is endangered because they consider themselves above the law. That is why the elite class has been trying to overthrow the government for the past two years.

Energy problems

Regarding the country’s energy issues, he said that electricity distribution, controlling theft and line losses alone is not the solution to the problem, unless the cost of power generation is brought down, there will be no permanent solution. He said we are stuck in agreements under which we have to pay for electricity, whether it is used or not. If the price of electricity does not go up, the circular debt rises but if price does increase, it is unbearable for the public.

He said that the future of Pakistan depends on industry, unless it becomes an industrial country, it cannot move forward. Last year, 2,000 billion was paid in debt repayments while this year, another 2,700 billion is to be paid. Until we become an industrialized country, these debt repayments will continue to pile up. He said that price of electricity generated in government power plants will be brought down and a plan is being devised to improve power plants and distribution. The government is coming up with a detailed and comprehensive power policy which will be presented to the public in a few weeks, he added.

Prime Minister defends Usman Bazdar

Replying to a question about the Punjab Chief Minister, he said that under his watch, no one will be allowed to make illicit money. He said that Usman Buzdar has been facing criticism for the past two years but IB gives him information regarding every single allegation against Buzdar.

He said that the liquor license case against Usman Bazdar is nonsensical as issuing liquor licenses is the duty of excise department. He said that summoning the Chief Minister of a province to NAB has raised unnecessary suspicions. If the case had any substance, I would have been the first to say that Buzdar should resign, he added.

He said that the Usman Buzdar does not usually make media appearances to defend himself and it is unfortunate that he faces criticism from within the party as well.

The Prime Minister defended Usman Buzdar, saying that PTI came into power for the first time in Punjab and it lacked experience in the province as well as federal government, some mistakes were bound to happen. In Punjab, the bureaucracy was put in place by the Sharif family but now, I believe the right combination has been found pushing Punjab in the right direction.

Coronavirus lockdowns and Pakistan’s response

Talking about the pandemic situation in Pakistan, the Prime Minister said that coronavirus came to Pakistan at the end of February, during which time, cases were on the rise in Europe amid complete lockdown. Considering the situation in Europe, there were calls to enforce a complete lockdown in Pakistan as well. But, from day one, our consideration was what would happen to the poor as a result of a complete lockdown. We said that our situation was not like that of Europe, but we were severely criticized. Even members of my own party called for a lockdown, but I resisted, he said.

Institutions to decide on Jahangir Tareen

Replying to a question about key PTI leader Jahangir Tareen, the Prime Minister said that he was with him the most during times of struggle. But unfortunately, when the investigation was carried out, Jahangir Tareen’s name also came up which he was very sorry to see. He said a leader must be honest and trustworthy, capable of taking hard decisions. He however said that till now, Jahangir Tareen has not been proven guilty of any crime, relevant institutions will decide about him based on the findings of the commission.

Karachi is Pakistan’s economic hub

Talking about the problems of Karachi, the Prime Minister said that its condition is very hurtful to see. Had there been no ethnic politics during the 80’s, Karachi would have been far more developed. Former MQM Chief’s gun culture wreaked havoc in the city, causing a lot of damage to Pakistan as a result. He said Karachi’s problem is the lack of a local government system, regarding which a case is pending in the Supreme Court. He said the situation in the city is dire but we are going to take steps to improve it in the future.


He said that cartels around the country are profiteering by hoarding and pushing prices up and down artificially. When the Sugar Commission’s forensic inquiry took place, the brokers turned out to be front-men and the Sugar Mills Association openly threatened Wajid Zia in a letter. The Sugar Mill owners got a stay order on the commission’s report and put pressure on us, after which the government had to back down to keep the poor farmers afloat

Opposition’s Charter of Economy

Replying to a question on the Opposition’s Charter of Economy, the Prime Minister said that the opposition aims to blackmail me, demanding NRO like the one they received from Musharraf. The purpose of the opposition’s amendments in NAB laws is tantamount to giving NRO, which would be a betrayal to the country. He said that corruption and a country’s downfall go hand in hand and there is no future if the country backs away from accountability. It would have been very easy for me to come to a compromise ensuring my government’s smooth running, he added.

Fake pilot licenses

Talking about the fake licenses of the pilots, he said that the inquiry report revealed suspicious licenses of 260 pilots. In the last ten years, there have been four accidents due to pilot errors. However, he admitted that the case could have been better presented to the world. He said that findings of the inquiry report were shocking and needed to be made public. He said the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) needs to be restructured and its regulatory powers separated. Progress on the change was hampered by coronavirus and requires some time, he said.

FBR needs time to fix

Imran Khan said that change is not brought about at the press of a button and FBR needs time to fix. He said the first year was very difficult for the government, but now the difficult time has passed and improvements will be observed soon. He said that Pakistan’s economy is also recovering and it will soon prosper as it did in 1960.

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