Home Latest News Pak-China defence cooperation continues to deepen
Latest News - December 26, 2022

Pak-China defence cooperation continues to deepen

As the two partners increased their collaboration in other areas as well, their defence ties between Pakistan and China grew stronger over time. The first HANGOR Class Submarine’s keel laying ceremony and the second Submarine’s steel cutting ceremony were held in Karachi Shipyard & Engineering Works over the weekend as a symbol of the goodwill between Pakistan and China. The defence deal between Pakistan and China involves the development of eight HANGOR Class submarines, of which four are currently being built at Wuchang Shipbuilding Industry Group in China and the remaining four are being produced at KS&EW through a technology transfer arrangement. China recently referred to the relationship between its military and Pakistan’s armed forces as “serving as the mainstay of China-Pakistan friendship.”


ISLAMABAD    –   Defence ties between Paki­stan and China got bolstered over the years as the two allies multiplied cooperation in oth­er sectors too.

Over the weekend, the Keel Laying Ceremony of first HANGOR Class Submarine and Steel Cutting of second Submarine was held in Kara­chi Shipyard & Engineering Works – an evidence of the Pa­kistan-China friendship.

The defence agreement be­tween Pakistan and Chi­na included develop­ment of 08 HANGOR Class Submarines including 04 un­der constructions at Wuchang Ship­building Industry Group in China and re­maining 04 are being built at KS&EW under Transfer of Technology agreement.

Recently, China described the Chinese military’s re­lationship with Pakistan’s armed forces as “serving as the mainstay of Chi­na-Pakistan friend­ship.”

China’s Foreign Ministry spokes­person Wang Wen­bin said “China is an all-weather strate­gic cooperative partner and friendly neighbour of Paki­stan.” China’s military has also recently hailed the impor­tance of military-to-military relations between the two countries.

People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Senior Colonel Wu Qian, spokesperson of the Minis­try of Defence, said that “mil­itary-to-military relations, serving as the mainstay of the China-Pakistan friendship, have played an important role in the development of bilater­ al relations for a long time”. About Pakistan receiving China’s J-10CE fighter jets, he said “China and Pakistan are all-weather strategic cooper­ative partners, true friends and iron brothers that share weal and woe.” “China is will­ing to work with Pakistan to accelerate the construc­tion of a closer China-Paki­stan community of shared destiny in the new era,” he said, adding that “the Chi­nese and Pakistani militaries stand ready to expand prac­tical cooperation in various fields to a new level and in­ject a new impetus into the all-weather strategic coop­erative partnership between the two countries”. China has over the years maintained close relations with both mil­itary and civilian leaderships in Pakistan. For decades, the leaders of China and Paki­stan have eulogized the re­lationship between the two countries as “higher than the mountains, deeper than the oceans, sweeter than hon­ey.” Former President Asif Ali Zardari and former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif pro­moted the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) – an infrastructure investment megaproject in Pakistan fi­nanced by China since 2015 – as a “game changer.” Sort from governments, there is firm evidence in the form of survey data that Pakistanis love China. As part of the Sin­ophone Borderlands public opinion survey in Pakistan in June 2022, over 1,200 Pa­kistani respondents were asked two open-ended questions about their per­ception of China. Respon­dents were drawn from all regions of Pakistan and in­cluded a representative sample of age groups and genders. The same ques­tions have also been asked in many other countries and very rarely have the an­swers been as significantly positive as in Pakistan. The first survey question asked what first came to people’s minds when thinking of Chi­na. The most common an­swers, as the word cloud re­veals, were “friend,” “best friend,” “good friend,” and even “trusted friend.”


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