Home Latest News Pakistani doctors set to learn from Chinese experts to fight COVID-19
Latest News - March 30, 2020

Pakistani doctors set to learn from Chinese experts to fight COVID-19

The government of Pakistan and Pakistani nation is moved by China’s medical relief assistance to help Pakistan overcome the COVID-19. Chair­man Amun Taraqqi Party (ATP) Muhammad Faiq Shah appreciated Chinese aid in the form of medical supplies and experts and urged Pakistani health care staff to learn from Chinese experts.

PESHAWAR – Amun Taraqqi Party (ATP) Chair­man, Muhammad Faiq Shah, has ex­pressed gratitude to China for ex­tending cooperation to Pakistan in this difficult time in the form of sup­plying essential medical supplies and sharing expertise. However, he stressed that Pakistan should take full advantage from the China exper­tise as well as indigenous technical skills that would help in producing number of medical instruments.

Addressing a meeting of the par­ty’s office bearers and workers here through a video link on Sunday, Faiq Shah urged the national and state in­stitutions to take full advantage of the prevailing situation after the out­break of coronavirus pandemic and to make Pakistan as economic and defence power. He said the ventila­tors and medical instruments as well other relevant equipments should be produced on an emergent basis.

While referring to the instructions of US President Donald Trump to his automobile companies to start pre­paring ventilators, the ATP chairman said the engineers and technical in­stitutions running under the Paki­stan Army have unmatched techni­cal skills, having good capabilities to timely and prompt preparing pro­tective gears /gadgets to tackle with any calamity situation.

We need to enhance our own strength by focusing on indigenous skills and capabilities while keeping in view the prevalent circumstanc­es and to prepare local ventilators and other necessary medical equip­ment’s, like diagnosing, treatment and protective machines,” the party leader stressed.

The ATP chairman said that the Pa­kistan should take full advantage of the Chinese expertise as well as lo­cal skills that would help to produce number of medical instruments. He informed that besides, his party mot­to is to make Pakistan a true welfare Islamic state, it will also become a super power on economic, scientific and defence basis.

He went on to say that the coun­try’s institutions are fully capable to meet with any challenging and dif­ficult situations while Pakistan was also bestowed with abundant nat­ural and mineral resources, which can be tapped effectively to make the country a economic giant in the en­tire world.

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