Home Latest News Seminar Organized to Explore the significance of Regional Cooperation for Shared Prosperity Through CPEC and BRI
Latest News - September 21, 2019

Seminar Organized to Explore the significance of Regional Cooperation for Shared Prosperity Through CPEC and BRI

A seminar titled "Pak-Cooperation and Future of Regional Prosperity" was organized by the Muslim Institute to underscore the significance of regional cooperation for shared prosperity. Chairman Muslim Institute, Sahibzada Sultan Ahmed Ali, addressing the seminar said, CPEC is a gateway to the Middle East, Africa, Central Asia and Europe. He added that it would boost regional peace and prosperity. On this occasion, Dr Waseema Shahzad said China-Pakistan bilateral cooperation and CPEC is not limited to trade and economics as it also focuses on promoting cultural and educational ties. Brig (R) Abdul Rahman Bilal speaking to the seminar recommended to improve the efficiency of CPEC, optimize security and enhance prosperity.

Speakers at a seminar here said that completion of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and exploration of Pakistan’s natural resources would enhance the foreign direct investment into Pakistan, hence increase regional progress.

The seminar titled “Pak-China Cooperation and Future of Regional Prosperity” was organized by the Muslim Institute with an objective to highlight the regional cooperation for shared prosperity.

Speaking on the occasion, Chairman Muslim Institute, Sahibzada Sultan Ahmed Ali, said that CPEC was a gateway to the Middle East, Africa, Central Asia and Europe, saying that it would help promote peace and prosperity in the region.

However, he said that political stability in Afghanistan was imperative adding that India was creating hurdles as it had never accepted “Belt and Road Initiative” (BRI) or CPEC and even categorically rejected these cooperative projects.

He said that India was the only Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) member that did not endorse the BRI projects in the Qingdao Declaration while it had also been trying to disrupt the CPEC through anti-state activities since the inception of this project.

He stressed the need for frequent exchange of views on regional and international developments as well as exchange of high level visits to further strengthen sustainable strategic partnership.

On the Occasion, Dean Social Science, Air University, Islamabad Dr Waseema Shahzad said that China-Pakistan cooperation and CPEC did not only focus on trade and economics but were also helping in promoting cultural and educational relations.

Speaking on the occasion, former foreign secretary of Pakistan, Ambassador (Retd) Riaz Mohammad Khan highlighted the importance of promoting regional connectivity what would be beneficial for the whole region.

Brig (R) Abdul Rahman Bilal also spoke on the occasion and focused on the measures for increasing utility of CPEC, optimizing security and enhancing prosperityon the occasion, the panelists observed that time-tested Pakistan-China all-weather cooperative partnership was an anchor for peace and stability in the region and beyond.

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