Training for Journalist on Understanding China for Future Cooperation
China is a country based on socialist system and structure, but with Chinese characteristics, Shakeel Ramay, said at training organized by China Study Center COMSATS University and Asian Institute of Eco-civilization Research and Development for the journalists. The journey of development of China can be understood by understanding the spirit of three contradiction principals, given by Chairman Mao, Deng Xiaoping and President Xi Jinping. Each contradiction principal was followed by a series of reforms to achieve the goal and objectives. First principal contradiction introduced by Chairman Mao, had two major goals 1) elimination of class difference, and 3) bringing an end to corruption and problems of bureaucracy. ‘Second principal contradiction’ was the second stage of reform undertaken under Deng Xiaoping. Now President Xi is implementing the third contradiction principal.
Shakeel highlighted that China’s comprehensive and thoroughly examined decision-making process has played leading role in the developmental and economic successes of the country. For instance, the planning and working on the country’s Five-year development plan begins 3 years ahead of its formulation. And this includes the consultation of all segments of society; for example, common people, think tanks, local government etc. The detailed planning, but the fast execution of the plans has been central to China.
However, the major role belongs to the leadership of Community Party. Communist party of China is working on basis of merit, honesty and integrity. CPC always focus on people and keep people at the central stage. Every decision is being taken by prioritizing people. The people centric decision-making vital factor of success of China. Decision making process is extremely inclusive.
China has also brought its own way in dealing with international countries and players. It believes in relation not profit, which the country believes, has a great chance of bringing a win-win situation for all players. It is based on the philosophy of “sharing prosperity”, which was advocated by Confucius. China believes in partnerships not alliances. China also apply the policy of dialogue and development to solve the conflicts.
He concluded his presentation with word that President of China, Xi Jinping, has the vision of high-quality development, highly efficient resource allocation, ensuring of focus of government at all levels, redefining relationship of market and society to achieve the goal of eco-civilization and beautiful, developed China.
Journalist asked question about the structure of Communist Party, working of party, leadership selection and role of different position. They also inquired about the role of Party in new era. Journalist also showed keen interest in poverty alleviation model. Innovation and technology were other areas of interest for the journalists. China’s success story in technological field attracted more attention.
The training concluded with goal to organize a series of trainings.
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